UKirk Support
UKirk SC is a ministry of Trinity Presbytery (PCUSA) and Shandon Presbyterian Church (USA) to the campus communities of the University of South Carolina, Columbia College, and Midlands Tech. The presbytery and church come together in their financial, prayerful, and leadership support of this valuable ministry to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff.
On mission to Zambia with Shandon Presbyterian in May 2013, we learned of this African proverb:
If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.

Over the years we have been able to go far in ministry, mission, worship, and witness through the support of Shandon Presbyterian and Trinity Presbytery and friends and alumni of UKirk SC. Your support – prayerful and financial – helps us broaden our outreach, deepen our impact, and enlarge our witness to the Columbia higher education community. We hope you will join us this year in seeing just how far together we can take the ministry of UKirk SC! Please use the Gift Now Button below to give online or send your support directly to Shandon Presbyterian Church, care of UKirk SC. The students, faculty, and staff we will reach in ministry together sing your praises in Thanksgiving!
Shandon Presbyterian Church offers a wealth of opportunities for college and university students to get involved in the life of a congregation while in school. The church offers worship, mission, and ministry opportunities for Young Adults. Contact Reverend John Cook, UKirk Campus Minister and Associate Pastor for Discipleship at Shandon Presbyterian Church, for more information on how to get involved at a local church.